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Jain Kitchen Vastu Tips | Jain Kitchen


kitchen is the most important portion in vastu, every member gets energy from this portion.

it should have adequate air and light.

one should face east direction while cooking.

under the kitchen, there should not be any pit of water or water tank or septic tank.

there should not be any well around the kitchen.

one should enter the kitchen with a peaceful mind and clean body.

in the kitchen, fire and water should be 4 feet apart.

black colored slab should be completely avoided. red, green and white are good colors to be used.

there should not be any toilet around the kitchen(above or below also), else the children of the house will fall sick.

the kitchen should be painted light yellow.

no bad words should be used in the kitchen, and before cooking, one should chant ‘namokar mantra’.

do not use u shape platform otherwise else you will face continuous backache.

the kitchen door should not be facing southe.

while cooking there shouldn’t be any door behind you nor an empty space.

the kitchen should have 2 smoke outlets.

Jain Kitchen Vastu Tips | Jain Kitchen Jain Kitchen Vastu Tips | Jain Kitchen Reviewed by Prashant Jain on 10:24:00 Rating: 5